
Ausgewählte Autoren aus über 70.000 Benutzern.

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Chelsie Ward-Sowards

Professional storyteller who has a passion for people and the ways we communicate with one another.

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Latifa M. Alshammari

This is the land of creativity, innovation, culture and language!

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Jodi Tandet

"I've never worked with someone with the insight and energy Jodi brings to content. She's an expert storyteller who builds community with her talents." - former Chief Customer Success Officer, …

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Shayde Christian | CDAO

Chief Data and Analytics Officer Thought Leader | Author | Speaker

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Mariana Rosetti Maia

Escrevo sobre violência de gênero, segurança pública, direitos humanos e cidades há mais de seis anos. Chega mais!

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Lindsay Meister

I'm a content writer and copywriter in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

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Laura Fres

Hi there! I'm a Barcelona-based Product Marketing Manager and writer with +7 years of marketing experience. I'm passionate about understanding customer needs and helping companies reach their target audience.

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Jehane Newton

Hello! I'm a copywriter, editor, proofreader and Spanish and French to English translator with over 20 years' experience.I help businesses expand their digital marketing and increase their online presence using …

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copies by isabela

sejam todos bem vindos ao meu portfólio!aqui você vai encontrar copies profissionais que fiz para social, blog, newsletters e jornais.

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Sofia Jayne

Sofia Jayne is a Melbourne-based journalist in her graduate year of a Bachelor of Communication with a Major in Journalism and a Minor in Politics at RMIT University. With a …

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Chelsea Gazaille

I'm a Fractional Marketing Professional for Architects. Meaning - I give you extra support for the projects and initiatives you need for a fraction of the time and expense of …

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Fabian Urech - Afrika-Korrespondent

Ich berichte für das Schweizer Radio SRF aus Afrika. Zudem schreibe ich regelmäßig für verschiedene deutschsprachige Medien über den Kontinent. ​ Zuvor war ich während sieben Jahren Afrika-Verantwortlicher der Neuen …

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Laurel Ives

I'm a journalist and content writer who's passionate about health, food, nutrition and mental health. I write for high-profile news brands, businesses and charities, using my specialist knowledge and reporting …

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Kristian Oka Prasetyadi

A multimedia journalist with six years of experience at an Indonesian national newspaper. Currently pursuing master's degree in International Journalism at the University of Melbourne.

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Cael Byrne

I am a journalist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I focus on local events and events with historical significance. I've always been interested in writing and researching in both my professional …

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Daniela Gaspari

Sou Jornalista, com mais de 15 anos de experiência. Mais recentemente, trabalhei com foco em elaboração de matérias e reportagens para sites, produtora de conteúdo para redes sociais e análise …

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Kiley Beck

Passionate about people, their stories, and the power of language.

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Dr. Brett J. Dagel

Dedicated medical writer with eight years of experience in creating high-quality medical content for diverse audiences. Proficient in researching, analyzing, and synthesizing complex information, resulting in clear and accurate articles, …

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Messias da Silva Azevedo

messias08.2019@gmail.com Belém/PA

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Madhuparna Deb

Amplifying Brands through Data-Driven Insights

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The Feather In Bulk

Rédacteur de contenus web SEO avec plus de 10 ans d’expérience dans la rédaction et l’optimisation de contenus. Connaissance globale du content marketing avec une expertise approfondie dans le domaine …

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Maryam Kolafa

An experienced content writer proficient in writing, translating between English and Arabic, text editing, and proofreading. Additionally skilled as a Support Associate and Customer Experience Analyst in the e-commerce industry, …

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Virginia Trugilho

Hello, I am Virginia Trugilho, CEO of Uzuke. Over the years, I specialized in creating personalized strategies for media outlets, governments, businesses, and individuals who want to effectively communicate with …

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Breanna Laws

I'm Breanna, a journalism student at Wake Forest University and Managing Editor of the Old Gold & Black.

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Harry Whitfield

Hi my name is Harry Whitfield and I am a third year Sports Journalism student at The University of Central Lancashire. I have a keen interest in a variety of …

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Larissa Said

Fale comigo! Graduada em Letras pela UFMG com especialização em Técnica Redacional e Revisão de Texto. Faço tradução, revisão e redação, além de oferecer aulas de redação.

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William Lewis

I'm William Lewis, creator of Jiu-Jitsu Health, a website that showcases my journey from a Northwestern University Creative Writing graduate to a multifaceted freelance writer. My expertise spans finance, fitness, …

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Portfolio - Shehan Dias

Content specialist delivering compelling copy for 10+ years.

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Aida Ngom

Hello ! Je suis Aida, une passionnée de la rédaction web SEO. Je suis dans le domaine depuis 6 ans. Mon objectif ? t’aider à faire de ton site web/blog …

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Erin E Christman

Content Writer | Milwaukee, WI

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David Turcaso

Thanks for stopping by!I've been working as a technical writer since 2007. I've worked full-time at Microsoft and Indeed.com, and done contracts at Google, Microsoft, and others. I worked as …

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Lisa White

Lisa White is a writer, editor and marketing professional with more than 30 years of experience. She has worked for a number of corporations, business and consumer publications and associations …

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Matthew Vana

I am a freelance graphic designer who is determined to help your brand reach success through design work, marketing and advertising, editing and publishing, and photography.

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Keira Gilmore

I'm a student at the University of Central Florida studying Journalism on the Print Digital track and Environmental Science. Upon graduating this December 2024 I hope to one day work …

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Gareth Rees

Accredited Journalist and Radio Broadcaster

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