Editor Portfolio-Beispiele
Browse this collection of editors' portfolio website examples and see how they display their editing projects, expertise, and contributions to publishing.
AlleVideografieVideo-EditorÜbersetzerSocial Media ManagerMelderKorrekturleserDichterPodcasterFotografMusicianModelJournalistInterior DesignerIllustratorHair & Makeup ArtistGraphic DesignerFeature-AutorFashion StylistEditorDeveloperDesignerKreative SchriftstellerinWerbetexterErsteller von InhaltenRundfunkveranstalterBloggerAutorKünstlerArchitektïnAnimator
Emily Blackburn
Experienced Chicago-based writer and editor Emily Blackburn is the Digital Content Editor for Qualified Remodeler Magazine, the nation's largest print remodeling and home improvement magazine.
Portfolio anzeigenNellie de Goguel
Award-winning writer, producer, editor, comms professional climate | sustainability | oceans | food | cities +
Portfolio anzeigenRosiel Mendonça
Jornalista, assessor de comunicação, pesquisador e produtor cultural atuando em Manaus, Amazonas
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