Journalist Portfolio-Verzeichnis
Ausgewählte Autoren aus über 70.000 Benutzern.

Camila Monteiro
Escrevo e pesquiso há 15 anos cultura de fãs, música popular, capital subcultural e performance de gosto.
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Maria Lilly Delgado
Award winning television reporter with project management, multimedia and video skills. I can report fluently in English and Spanish. My reports have been broadcast on international platforms such as UNIVISION …
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Delaney Rebernik
I'm a writer, editor, and content strategist for purpose-driven organizations. I care a whole hell of a lot about words and the people who use them. If you’re here, I …
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Louise Davis
I'm a UK-based freelance journalist and editor. I work across a variety of technical sectors, including engineering, science, food-tech, automotive and transportation. My cat says hi.
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Caio Proença
Sou jornalista, paraense e vivo em São Paulo desde 2009. Profissional de perfil crítico e bem informado, capaz de abordar diferentes temas com rigor e didatismo. Trabalho em projetos de …
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richard cunningham's portfolio
writer and digital storyteller based in Cleveland. producer at ideastream public media.
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Michelangelo Mecchia
Fondatore Globetrotter360°, giornale studentesco della Luiss Guido Carli. @globetrotteruni Collaboro con Il Fatto Quotidiano. Dottore in Governo Amministrazione e Politica.
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Júlia Pereira Azevedo
Olá! Sou Júlia Azevedo, graduanda em Jornalismo pela UFF, ex-aluna do Colégio Pedro II, co-criadora e designer principal do projeto de ensino e extensão 'Livros Falados'. Também atuei como repórter …
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Joisiane Mota Machado
"Uma palavra posta fora do lugar estraga o pensamento mais bonito". Voltaire
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Mariana Rosetti Maia
Escrevo sobre violência de gênero, segurança pública, direitos humanos e cidades há mais de seis anos. Chega mais!
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jobs by isabela
Sejam todos bem-vindos ao meu portfólio — aceita um cafézinho? Sou especialista em marketing, com foco em redação e gestão de social media, além de estudante de jornalismo e escritora …
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Sofia Jayne
Sofia Jayne is a Melbourne-based journalist in her graduate year of a Bachelor of Communication with a Major in Journalism and a Minor in Politics at RMIT University. With a …
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Fabian Urech - Afrika-Korrespondent
Ich berichte für das Schweizer Radio SRF aus Afrika. Zudem schreibe ich regelmäßig für verschiedene deutschsprachige Medien über den Kontinent. Zuvor war ich während sieben Jahren Afrika-Verantwortlicher der Neuen …
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Judy Lagrou
I'm a CNBC Editorial Intern and former Wall Street strategist currently working toward a Master's degree in Journalism at NYU.
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Laurel Ives
I'm a journalist, content writer and strategist who's passionate about health, food, nutrition and mental health. I write, edit and consult for high-profile news brands, businesses and charities, using my …
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Cael Byrne
I am a journalist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I focus on local events and events with historical significance. I've always been interested in writing and researching in both my professional …
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Maria Eduarda Baddini
Estudante de jornalismo na ATHON Ensino Superior, com interesse em diversas áreas da comunicação. Atualmente desenvolvendo habilidades em redação, jornalismo organizacional, marketing, copywriting e SEO.
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Debanny Cerda
My name is Debanny Cerda, I am a Senior journalism major with a Sports Media Minor
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Virginia Trugilho
Hello, I am Virginia Trugilho, jounalist, visual artist and CEO of Uzuke. Through news stories, visual productions, photography and fashion, I am buiding a bridge between African culture and its …
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Breanna Laws
I'm Breanna, a journalism student at Wake Forest University and Managing Editor of the Old Gold & Black.
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Edward Moss
I'm Edward Moss, a multimedia professional from Derbyshire. I graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in Sports Journalism from the University of Central Lancashire, where I gained invaluable written and …
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Harry Whitfield
My name is Harry Whitfield and I am a Sports Journalist. I am currently a freelance Content & CMS Consultant for Sip Media Solutions and a freelance Sports Writer & …
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Foxdale Digital
I'm William Lewis, creator of Jiu-Jitsu Health, a website that showcases my journey from a Northwestern University Creative Writing graduate to a multifaceted freelance writer. My expertise spans finance, fitness, …
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Eddie Atkinson
An award-winning student journalist with bylines in professional media and a reputation for ambition, diligence, and originality.
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By day I support people. By passion I fight scams. And I always keep it clear and human.
Hi, I’m Timur — a Support Worker by profession, a cyber-sleuth by passion. By day, I help people get home safely after hospital. By night (and on weekends), I dive …
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Lisa White
Lisa White is a writer, editor and marketing professional with more than 30 years of experience. She has worked for a number of corporations, business and consumer publications and associations …
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Keira Gilmore
I'm a recent graduate from the University of Central Florida with a B.A. in Print/Digital Journalism and a B.S. in Environmental Science. My goal is to work in the field …
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Courtenay Rudzinski
Houston-based freelance writer specializing in lifestyle essays.
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Josué Santos
Jornalista formado pelo Centro Universitário IBMR. Tenho experiência em redação para veículos online e impresso, especialmente na cobertura de cultura, entretenimento e celebridades pelos jornais O DIA e Meia Hora, …
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Lucia Llano
Lucia Llano is a fourth-year multimedia journalism and creative writing student at the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently managing editor, environmental writer and podcast creator at Drift …
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Swagata Yadavar
I am an independent journalist reporting on health, gender and other developmental themes. I also work as researcher, editor and consultant.
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Helen Albert
Helen is a freelance science journalist based in Berlin, Germany. Specialising in healthcare, life sciences, bioanthropology, biotech and innovation.
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Betânia Bierhals
Olá! Meu nome é Betânia.Sou jornalista pela Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel) e pós-graduada em Marketing, Criatividade e Inovação também pela UCPEL. Atualmente sou acadêmica do curso tecnólogo em Design …
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Olivia Farrell
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
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